Dis iz Bacardi. I iz big man cat .(moms favorite, duh.) Mom pozted BABY pic of mehz! How embarrassinz! Now iz payback. DIS is step by step guide fur all kittiez, how tu createz de Purfect CAT LADY.
STEP 1. Infiltrate ze young human. Nurture kitty thoughts in small child.
(dis iz momz as baby. she pretty cute for humanz.) |
Step 2. Remain cute, even when annoyzed.
(momz iz all growed up now... she still pretty cute human.) |
Step 3. Claim ze boyfriend.
(we did good job wif dis one.) |
Den BAMZ! you create CAT LADYYYZ.
(mom makez GREAT cat, boyfriend iz questionable. hehe) |
Step 4. Repeat steps 1-3 with next generation.
(momz human litter.) |
Bacardi F. Buddha Belly Ghen-Ghen Dynomite