Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sibling Rivalry

The boy kitties are by far the biggest babies in the house!!! Bacardi in particular needs more attention than most, curling up in my arms and flipping on his back, demanding i carry him around like a baby. (when my arms are not already occupied by 9 month old and 3 year old sons.)  He also requests fresh water in a glass with ice on occasion. (so don't open the freezer unless you intend to accommodate him as well.) The addition of another boy kitty has thrown him a bit off, and while they do get along rather well, fighting for affection has become a game of theirs. :)

Missi: Don't be silly, 
Missi: *sigh*


  1. Hello!! We saw you posted at the CB!! We are very pleased to meet you!! We have read some of your pots and will be back for more!!
    Howdy from your TX furiends,

  2. Hi from Fuzzy Tales! We also saw your link on the Cat Blogosphere and came to meet you and say welcome! :-)

    -Nicki, Derry, angels Annie and Chumley and the mom Kim


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